§ 28-41-13 Disqualification by receipt ofunemployment compensation benefits. (a) An individual shall be disqualified from receiving benefits during any weekwith respect to which he or she will receive remuneration in the form ofbenefits under an unemployment compensation law of any state or of the UnitedStates.
(2) Notwithstanding any provisions of chapters 39 41of this title to the contrary, an individual receiving unemploymentcompensation and who is injured while unemployed and who is then deniedunemployment compensation as a result of those injuries, shall, if otherwiseeligible, be entitled to receive temporary disability insurance benefitswithout serving a waiting period as required in § 28-41-12.
(b) Notwithstanding any provisions of chapters 39 41of this title to the contrary, if an individual has been determined to havebeen paid unemployment compensation benefits and/or dependents' allowancesunder chapters 42 44 of this title, for the same week or weeks withrespect to which the individual was entitled to receive temporary disabilityinsurance benefits and/or dependents' allowances under chapters 39 41 ofthis title, that individual shall, at the discretion of the director, be liableto have that sum deducted from any benefits payable to him or her underchapters 39 41 of this title for the same week or weeks, to reimbursethe director for the employment security fund.