§ 28-42-2 Declaration of policy. Economic insecurity, due to unemployment, being a serious menace to the health,morale, and general welfare of the people of this state, is, therefore, asubject of interest and concern to the community as a whole, warrantingappropriate action by the general assembly to prevent its spread and to lightenthe burden which now falls on the unemployed worker and his or her family.According to the report of the joint special commission appointed pursuant tothe joint resolutions, the evidence seems conclusive that in the face ofrecurring periods of business depression, which industry and commerce appearpowerless to prevent, the industrial worker's position is extremely insecure.The individual is as incapable of protecting himself or herself againstunemployment, as industry is of preventing it. Experience has shown that if thestate delays action until unemployment becomes excessive, it can neitherpromptly create the organizations necessary to orderly, economical, andeffective relief, nor bear the financial burden of relief without disruptingits whole system of ordinary revenues and jeopardizing its credit. Chapters 42 44 of this title are designed to meet in some measure this situation byproviding for the accumulation of a fund to assist in protecting the publicagainst the ill effects of unemployment which may arise in future years.