§ 28-42-36 Personnel of department. The director is authorized, within his or her means, and in accordance with theState Merit System Act, chapters 3 and 4 of title 36, rules, and regulations toappoint and fix the compensation of any officers, accountants, and otherpersons that are necessary in the execution of the functions of his or herdepartment. The director shall not employ or pay any person who is serving asan officer or committee member of any political party organization or who is amember of the general assembly. The director, in accordance with the StateMerit System Act, chapters 3 and 4 of title 36, rules, and regulations, shallfix the duties and powers of all persons thus employed, and may authorize anyperson to do any act or acts which could lawfully be done by the director. Thedirector may in his or her discretion bond any person handling moneys orsigning checks under this section.