§ 28-42-37 Advisory council. (a) The human resource investment council shall establish a state advisorycouncil of eight (8) members. Four (4) of the members shall be appointed by thegovernor from recommendations made by the human resource investment council;two (2) of those members shall be persons who, because of vocation, employmentor affiliation can be classed as employers and two (2) of those members shallbe persons who because of vocation, employment or affiliation can be classed asemployees. The chair of the house committee on labor, the chair of the senatecommittee on labor, the executive director of the economic policy council andthe director of the department of labor and training shall serve on the councilby virtue of their respective positions. The council shall aid the director ofthe department of labor and training in formulating policies and solvingproblems relating to the administration of chapters 42 44 of this title,and in assuring impartiality, neutrality, and freedom from partisan influencein the solution of those problems.
(b) The council shall provide on or before March 31 of eachyear to the governor and the general assembly a written report describing itsactivities.