§ 28-42-42 Agent for cooperation withfederal government, states, and territories. (a) The director is designated as the agent within this state charged with theresponsibility of cooperating in all necessary respects with the appropriateagencies and departments of the federal government in the administration ofchapters 42 44 of this title, or in the administration of any law ofeither this state or the United States relating to free public employmentoffices, or relating to payment of employment security benefits under any lawof the United States.
(b) He or she is further authorized to make thoseinvestigations, obtain and transmit that information, make available thoseservices and facilities, including entering into arrangement for them, andexercise those of the other powers provided with respect to the administrationof chapters 42 44 of this title, as he or she deems necessary orappropriate to facilitate the administration of any state, territorial, orfederal unemployment insurance or public employment service law, including thetaking of claims and the payment of benefits, and in like manner, accept andutilize information, services, and facilities made available to the state bythe agency charged with the administration of any other employment security orpublic employment service law. The director is authorized and directed, subjectto § 28-42-38, to make all reports requested by any directly interestedfederal agency or department, and to enter in any agreement with that agency ordepartment, relative to the administration of those laws in this state, and toaccept any sums of money, pursuant to those agreements, and to accept any sumsof money allotted or appropriated to the director or to this state for thatadministration, and to comply with all reasonable federal regulations governingthe expenditure of that money.