§ 28-42-51 Additional functions and dutiesof director of administration. In addition to and/or in lieu of the sections enumerated in § 28-42-50,the director of administration shall perform, at the department of labor andtraining, in the manner and to the extent that the director may prescribe, thefollowing functions and duties:
(1) Establish and maintain a current system of internalfinancial controls and checks necessary to insure the proper handling ofaccounts in connection with the employment security fund and the employmentsecurity administration account created by this chapter, by conducting acontinuous pre-audit or a continuous post-audit or by conducting a combinationof both (pre-audit or post-audit). The cost of these post-audit activities bythe bureau of audits in the department of administration shall be reimbursed infull by the department;
(2) Establish and maintain any methods, procedures, andsystems of accounting that may be deemed necessary; those records and accountsto be considered, for all purposes, the official records of the state anddepartment;
(3) Prepare and furnish financial and any other reports thatmay be required; and
(4) Perform any other related functions and duties that maybe required by chapters 42 44 of this title.