§ 28-42-58 Inter-agency arrangements forcoverage. The director is authorized to enter into arrangements with the appropriate andduly authorized agencies of other states, the federal government or itsterritories, and of foreign governments, whereby, notwithstanding any otherprovisions of chapters 42 44 of this title, service performed by:
(1) An individual for a single employing unit for whichservice is customarily performed by that individual in more than one state, inone of the states and in a territory, or in one of the states and within thejurisdiction of a foreign government, shall be deemed to be services performedentirely within any one of the jurisdictions in which: (i) any part of theindividual's service is performed; or (ii) the individual has his or herresidence; or the employing unit maintains a place of business; provided, thatthere is in effect, as to that service, an approved election by an employingunit with the acquiescence of that individual, pursuant to which serviceperformed by that individual for that employing unit is deemed to be performedentirely within that jurisdiction; and
(2) Not more than three (3) individuals on any portion of aday but not necessarily simultaneously for a single employing unit whichcustomarily operates in more than one of the jurisdictions set forth in thissection shall be deemed to be service performed entirely within thejurisdiction in which that employing unit maintains the headquarters of itsbusiness; provided, that there is in effect, as to that service, an appropriateelection by the employing unit with the affirmative consent of each individual,pursuant to which service performed by those individuals for that employingunit is deemed to be performed entirely within that jurisdiction.