§ 28-42-82 Job development fund. Whereas, improvements in the standard of living for all Rhode Islanders byincreasing their prosperity and their opportunities for continued employmentand better jobs is one of the top priorities of state government;
Whereas, the rapidly changing economy requires that the RhodeIsland workforce be able to adapt to emerging needs of the workplace;
Whereas, the energies and resources of numerous stateagencies and commissions contribute to the state's overall response to theneeds of the workforce and must be coordinated to achieve maximum efficiencyand effectiveness; and
Whereas, the competitiveness of Rhode Island businesses isdependent on a well-skilled, literate, and productive workforce:
Now, therefore, the general assembly declares as follows:
(1) There is a need to stimulate long-term economicdevelopment, reconcile the needs of women, work, and families, better integrateminorities fully into the workforce, and improve workers' educationalpreparation and skills;
(2) Enhancement of the competitiveness of the state'sbusinesses and workforce requires state support and encouragement for programsaimed at improving skill levels and expanding opportunities of all segments ofthe workforce, particularly those in need of customized training or training toupgrade existing skill levels; and
(3) These needs require the establishment of a jobdevelopment fund pursuant to § 28-42-83 and the establishment of the humanresource investment council pursuant to chapter 102 of title 42 to administerthe fund.