§ 28-42-86 Employment securityreemployment fund Legislative findings. Whereas, improvements in the standard of living for unemployed Rhode Islandersby facilitating their return to work is one of the top priorities of stategovernment; and
Whereas, the state's low unemployment rate has made itincreasingly difficult for employers to find qualified workers to fill theirjob openings; and
Whereas, the federal government has failed to providesufficient resources for the state to provide the level of services needed toalleviate these problems; and
Whereas, other states have had success with targeted jobmatching programs and intensive reemployment services; and
Whereas, such programs can help employers fill job openingsmore rapidly, accelerate the claimant's return to work, reduce unemploymentcosts, and strengthen the state's economy as a result;
Now, therefore, the general assembly declares that thedepartment of labor and training shall institute a pilot research anddemonstration rapid reemployment program. The program shall to include anautomated job matching system to match employer job orders with qualifiedunemployed individuals and an intensive reemployment services project to helpthose who are not job ready. The reemployment services may include, but not belimited to, focused job search strategies for individuals, resume preparationassistance, job development, interview preparation workshops, and continued jobmatching and referral.