§ 28-43-14 Appeals to the board of reviewon other matters. Any employer or person aggrieved by any decision of fact or law by the directorwith reference its or his or her status as an employer or as to whetherservices performed for it or him or her constitutes employment, or as to anyother matter for which an appeal is not otherwise provided in chapters 42 44 of this title, may, within fifteen (15) days after notice of thatdecision has been mailed or otherwise delivered to it or him or her, appeal tothe board of review, in writing, stating the grounds upon which that appeal istaken. Unless an appeal is duly filed within the time limit, the decision ofthe director shall be final. If any appeal is duly filed, the board of reviewshall then set a time and place to give the appellant an opportunity to showcause as to why the decision of the director should be changed. Following thathearing, the board of review shall, as promptly as possible, notify theappellant and the director of its decision on the appeal. That decision shallbecome final unless the appellant or the director files an appeal to the courtsin accordance with the provisions of §§ 28-44-51 28-44-55.