§ 28-43-17 Determination of contributionswithout report by employer. If an employer for any reporting period fails to make any report used for thepurpose of determining the amount of contributions payable under chapters 42 44 of this title at the time and in the manner required by theregulations adopted as prescribed or if those reports when filed are incorrector insufficient, and the employer fails to file a corrected or sufficientreport within twenty (20) days after the director has required the correctionby written notice, the director shall determine on the basis of thatinformation as the director may be able to obtain, the amount of contributionsdue from the employer, and the director shall give written notice to theemployer of the amount of contributions so determined. That determination shallfinally and irrevocably fix the amount of contributions due unless the employershall, within twenty (20) days after the giving of that notice, apply to theboard of review for a hearing, or unless the director on his or her ownvolition reduces the amount.