§ 28-43-32 Group accounts. Two (2) or more employers that have become liable for payments in lieu ofcontributions, in accordance with the provisions of § 28-43-29, may file ajoint application to the director for the establishment of a group account forthe purpose of sharing the cost of benefits paid that are attributable toservice in the employ of those employers. Each application shall identify andauthorize a group representative to act as the group's agent for the purposesof this section. Upon approval of the application, the director shall establisha group account for those employers effective as of the beginning of thecalendar quarter in which he or she receives the application and shall notifythe group's representative of the effective date of the account. That accountshall remain in effect for not less than two (2) tax years and subsequentlyuntil terminated at the discretion of the director or upon application by thegroup. Upon establishment of the account, each member of the group shall beliable for payments in lieu of contributions with respect to each calendarquarter in the amount that bears the same ratio to the total benefits paid inthat quarter that are attributable to service performed in the employ of allmembers of the group as the total wages paid for service in employment by thatmember in that quarter bear to the total wages paid during that quarter forservice performed in the employ of all members of the group. The director shallprescribe any regulations as deemed necessary with respect to applications forestablishment, maintenance, and termination of group accounts that areauthorized by this section, for addition of new members to, and withdrawal ofactive members from, those accounts, and for the determination of the amountsthat are payable under this section by members of the group and the time andmanner of those payments.