§ 28-43-33 Transition provisions. Notwithstanding any provisions in §§ 28-43-29 and 28-43-30, anynonprofit organization or group of organizations not required to be coveredpursuant to 26 U.S.C. § 3309(a)(1) prior to January 1, 1978, and thatprior to October 20, 1976, paid contributions required by the provisions ofchapters 42 44 of this title, and pursuant to § 28-43-29, electswithin thirty (30) days after January 1, 1978 to make payments in lieu ofcontributions, shall not be required to make any payments on account of anyregular or extended benefits paid on the basis of wages paid by thatorganization to individuals for weeks of unemployment which begin on or afterthe effective date of that election until the total amount of those benefitsequals the amount of the positive balance in the experience rating account ofthat organization or group of organizations.