§ 28-44-17 Voluntary leaving without goodcause. An individual who leaves work voluntarily without good cause shall beineligible for waiting period credit or benefits for the week in which thevoluntary quit occurred and until he or she establishes to the satisfaction ofthe director that he or she has subsequent to that leaving had at least eight(8) weeks of work, and in each of those eight (8) weeks has had earnings of atleast twenty (20) times the minimum hourly wage as defined in chapter 12 ofthis title for performing services in employment for one or more employerssubject to chapters 42 44 of this title. For the purposes of thissection, "voluntarily leaving work with good cause" shall include sexualharassment against members of either sex. For the purposes of this section,"voluntarily leaving work without good cause" shall include voluntarily leavingwork with an employer to accompany, join or follow his or her spouse in a newlocality in connection with the retirement of his or her spouse, or failure bya temporary employee to contact the temporary help agency upon completion ofthe most recent work assignment to seek additional work unless good cause isshown for that failure; provided, that the temporary help agency gave writtennotice to the individual that the individual is required to contact thetemporary help agency at the completion of the most recent work assignment toseek additional work.