§ 28-44-17.1 Voluntary leaving asprotection from domestic abuse. (a) An individual shall be eligible for waiting period credit or benefits ifthat individual voluntarily leaves work due to circumstances directly resultingfrom domestic abuse, as defined in chapter 8.1 of title 8, and the individual:
(1) Reasonably fears future domestic abuse at or on route toor from the individual's place of employment;
(2) Wishes to relocate to another geographic area in order toavoid future domestic abuse against the individual or the individual's family;or
(3) Reasonably believes that leaving work is necessary forthe future safety of the individual or the individual's family.
(b) When determining whether an individual has experienceddomestic abuse for the purpose of employment benefits, the department of laborand training shall require that the individual provide documentation ofdomestic abuse, including, but not limited to, police or court records, orother documentation of domestic abuse from a shelter worker, attorney, memberof the clergy, or medical or other professional from whom the individual hassought assistance.
(c) All documentation of evidence shall be kept confidentialunless consent for disclosure is given by the individual.