§ 28-44-50 Rule of decision Certification of questions to board of review. Final decisions of the board of review and the principles of law declared intheir support shall be binding in all subsequent proceedings involving similarquestions, unless expressly or impliedly overruled by a later decision of theboard of review or of a court of competent jurisdiction. Final decisions ofappeal tribunals and the principles of law declared in their support shall bebinding on the director and shall be persuasive authority in subsequent appealtribunal proceedings. If in any subsequent proceedings, the director or anappeal tribunal has serious doubt as to the correctness of any principlespreviously declared by an appeal tribunal or by the board of review, or ifthere is an apparent inconsistency or conflict in final decisions or comparableauthority, then the findings of fact in that case may be certified, togetherwith the question of law involved, to the board of review. After giving noticeand reasonable opportunity for hearing upon the law to all parties to theproceedings, the board of review shall certify to the director or appealtribunal and the parties in interest its answer to the question submitted, orthe board of review, in its discretion, may remove to itself the entireproceeding as provided in § 28-44-48 and render its decision upon theentire case.