§ 28-44-8 Lag day benefits. For weeks beginning on or after July 1, 1983, an individual who has beentotally unemployed and in receipt of benefits for two (2) or more successiveweeks and returns to work prior to the end of the week following that period oftwo (2) or more successive weeks shall be entitled to one-fifth ( 1/5) of hisor her benefit rate for each lag day of unemployment prior to the first day ofhis or her initial employment during that first week of reemployment, theresulting total benefits rounded to the next lower multiple of one dollar($1.00); provided, that benefit payments may be made only for those days ofunemployment on which work is ordinarily performed in the occupation in theestablishment in which the individual is reemployed. No individual shall in anycase be entitled to more than four-fifths ( 4/5) of his or her benefit rate,rounded to the next lower multiple of one dollar ($1.00), for that week.