§ 28-45-13.1 Apprenticeship registration Fees. A fee of twenty-four dollars ($24.00) shall be paid by each indenturedapprentice, except those apprentices who are registered in school-to-careerapprenticeship programs only, not registered as an apprentice with the divisionof professional regulation of the department of labor and training, exceptthose apprentices who are registered in school-to-career apprenticeshipprograms only, requesting approval and registration with the stateapprenticeship council. All state approved apprentice certificates that are notregistered and renewable through the division of professional regulation of thedepartment of labor and training shall become due for renewal annually for arenewal fee of twenty-four dollars ($24.00). All apprenticeship certificatesissued by the division of professional regulation of the department of laborand training shall expire on the indentured date of the individual qualifyingfor the certificate.