§ 28-45-8 Local, regional, and state jointapprenticeship committees. Local and state joint apprenticeship committees may be approved in any trade orgroup of trades, in cities, regions of the state, or trade areas, by thecouncil whenever the apprentice training needs of that trade or group of tradesor those regions justify that establishment. Those local, regional, or statejoint apprenticeship committees shall be composed of an equal number ofemployer and employee representatives selected by the respective local or stateemployer and employee organizations in that trade or group of trades, and anyother advisory members representing local boards or other agencies that may bedeemed advisable. In a trade or group of trades in which there is no bona fideemployer or employee organization, a joint committee may be composed of personsknown to represent the interests of employers and of employees respectively, ora state joint apprenticeship committee may be approved as, or the council mayact itself as, the joint committee in that trade or group of trades. Subject tothe review of the council and in accordance with the standards established bythe council, those committees may devise standards for apprenticeshipagreements and give any aid that may be necessary in their operation in theirrespective trades and localities.