§ 28-47-3 Notice to group Jurisdiction Insolvency Termination. An employer participating in group self-insurance shall not be relieved fromthe liability for compensation prescribed by chapters 29 38 of thistitle except by the payment of the compensation by the group self-insurer or byitself. As between the employee and the group self-insurer, notice to orknowledge of the occurrence of the injury on the part of the employer shall bedeemed notice or knowledge, as the case may be, on the part of the groupself-insurer. Jurisdiction of the employer shall, for the purpose of thischapter, be jurisdiction of the group self-insurer, and that group self-insurershall in all things be bound by and subject to the orders, findings, decisions,or awards rendered against the participating employer for the payment ofcompensation under the provisions of chapters 29 38 of this title. Theinsolvency or bankruptcy of a participating employer shall not relieve thegroup self-insurer from the payment of compensation for injuries or deathsustained by an employee during the time the employer was a participant in thegroup self-insurance. The group self-insurer shall promptly notify thedirector, on a prescribed form, of the addition of any participating employeror employers. Notice of termination of a participating employer shall not beeffective until at least ten (10) days after notice of that termination, on aprescribed form, has been either filed in the office of the director or sent bycertified or registered letter, return receipt requested, and also served inlike manner upon the employer.