§ 28-5.1-1 Declaration of policy. (a) Equal opportunity and affirmative action toward its achievement is thepolicy of all units of Rhode Island state government, including all public andquasi-public agencies, commissions, boards and authorities, and in theclassified, unclassified, and non-classified services of state employment. Thispolicy applies in all areas where the state dollar is spent, in employment,public service, grants and financial assistance, and in state licensing andregulation.
(2) All policies, programs, and activities of stategovernment shall be periodically reviewed and revised to assure their fidelityto this policy.
(3) Each department head shall make a report to the governorand the general assembly not later than September 30 of each year on thestatistical results of the implementation of this chapter and to the stateequal opportunity office; provided, that the mandatory provisions of thissection do not apply to the legislative branch of state government.
(b) The provisions of this chapter shall in no way impair anycontract or collective bargaining agreement currently in effect. Any contractor collective bargaining agreements entered into or renewed after July 6, 1994shall be subject to the provisions of this chapter.