§ 28-5.1-14 State licensing and regulatoryagencies. State agencies shall not discriminate by considering race, color, religion,sex, sexual orientation, gender, identity or expression, age, national origin,or disability in granting, denying, or revoking a license or charter, nor shallany person, corporation, or business firm which is licensed or chartered by thestate unlawfully discriminate against or segregate any person on these grounds.All businesses licensed or chartered by the state shall operate on anondiscriminatory basis, according to equal employment treatment and access totheir services to all persons, except unless otherwise exempted by the laws ofthe state. Any licensee, charter holder, or retail sales permit holder whofails to comply with this policy is subject to any disciplinary action that isconsistent with the legal authority and rules and regulations of theappropriate licensing or regulatory agency. State agencies which have theauthority to grant, deny, or revoke licenses or charters will cooperate withthe state equal opportunity office to prevent any person, corporation, orbusiness firm from discriminating because of race, color, religion, sex, sexualorientation, gender, identity or expression, age, national origin, ordisability or from participating in any practice which may have a disparateeffect on any protected class within the population. The state equalopportunity office shall monitor the equal employment opportunity activitiesand affirmative action plans of all such organizations.