§ 28-5.1-5 Personnel administration. (a) The office of personnel administration of the department of administrationshall prepare a comprehensive plan indicating the appropriate steps necessaryto maintain and secure the equal opportunity responsibility and commitment ofthat division. The plan shall set forth attainable goals and target dates basedupon a utilization study for achievement of the goals, together withoperational assignment for each element of the plan to assure measurableprogress.
(2) The office of personnel administration shall:
(i) Take positive steps to insure that the entire examinationand testing process, including the development of job specifications andemployment qualifications, is free from either conscious or inadvertent bias,and
(ii) Review all recruitment procedures for all state agenciescovered by this chapter for compliance with federal and state law, and bring tothe attention of the equal opportunity administrator matters of concern to itsjurisdiction.
(3) The division of budget shall indicate in the annualpersonnel supplement progress made toward the achievement of equal employmentgoals.
(4) The division of purchases shall cooperate inadministering the state contract compliance programs.
(5) The division of statewide planning shall cooperate inassuring compliance from all recipients of federal grants.
(b) The office of labor relations shall propose innegotiations the inclusion of affirmative action language suitable to the needfor attaining and maintaining a diverse workforce.
(c) There is created a five (5) member committee which shallmonitor negotiations with all collective bargaining units within stategovernment specifically for equal opportunity and affirmative action interests.The members of that committee shall include the director of the Rhode Islandcommission for human rights, the equal opportunity administrator, the personneladministrator, one member of the house of representatives appointed by thespeaker, and one member of the senate appointed by the president of the senate.