§ 28-5.1-6 Commission for human rights. The Rhode Island commission for human rights shall exercise its enforcementpowers as defined in chapter 5 of this title and in this chapter, and shallhave the full cooperation of all state agencies. Wherever necessary, thecommission shall, at its own initiative or upon a complaint, bring charges ofdiscrimination against those agencies and their personnel who fail to complywith the applicable state laws and this chapter. This commission also has thepower to order discontinuance of any departmental or division employmentpattern or practice deemed discriminatory in intent by the commission, after ahearing on the record, and may seek court enforcement of such an order. Thecommission shall utilize the state equal opportunity office as its liaison withstate government. The Rhode Island commission for human rights is authorized tomake any rules and regulations that it deems necessary to carry out itsresponsibilities under this chapter, and to establish any sanctions that may beappropriate within the rules and regulations of the state.