§ 28-5.1-9 State employment services. (a) All state agencies, including educational institutions, which provideemployment referral or placement services to public or private employees, shallaccept job orders, refer for employment, test, classify, counsel and train onlyon a nondiscriminatory basis. They shall refuse to fill any job order which hasthe effect of excluding any persons because of race, color, religion, sex,sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, national origin, ordisability.
(b) The agencies shall advise the commission for human rightspromptly of any employers, employment agencies, or unions suspected ofpracticing unlawful discrimination.
(c) The agencies shall assist employers and unions seeking tobroaden their recruitment programs to include qualified applicants fromminority groups.
(d) The department of labor and training, the governor'scommission on disabilities, the advisory commission on women, and the RhodeIsland economic development corporation shall fully utilize their knowledge ofthe labor market and economic conditions of the state, and their contacts withjob applicants, employers, and unions, to promote equal employmentopportunities, and shall require and assist all persons within theirjurisdictions to initiate actions which remedy any situations or programs whichhave a negative impact on protected classes within the state.