§ 28-5-8 Rhode Island commission for humanrights Composition. There is created a commission to be known as the "Rhode Island commission forhuman rights," to consist of seven (7) members to be appointed by the governor,with the advice and consent of the senate, one of whom shall be designated bythe governor as chairperson. In the appointment of commissioners, the followingfactors shall be taken into consideration:
(1) A commissioner should have a demonstrated sensitivity tothe concerns of the classes protected under this chapter.
(2) A commissioner should have a judicious temperament,analytical ability, and sufficient time to dedicate to commission work.
(3) The commission should reflect the diversity of thestate's population. In attempting to reflect the diversity of the state'spopulation, the governor should attempt to appoint as at least one of the seven(7) commissioners a person with a background in law, business, and/or realestate.