§ 28-6.10-4 Penalty for violations. Upon determining that an employment agency has violated the provisions of§ 28-6.10-3, the department of labor and training shall send a writtennotice of the violation to the employment agency containing a description ofthe fines prescribed in this section. Any employment agency determined by thedepartment to have committed a second violation of the provisions of §28-6.10-3, within five (5) years of the first violations, shall be subject to afive hundred dollars ($500) fine. Any employment agency determined by thedepartment to have committed a third or subsequent violation of the provisionsof § 28-6.10-3, within five (5) years of a previous violation, shall besubject to a fine of one thousand dollars ($1,000). A violation occurring morethan five (5) years from the date of a previous violation shall be considered afirst violation.