§ 28-6.11-3 Transportation activities notprohibited. (a) Any employer as defined in § 28-6.11-1(1) may purchase publictransportation bus passes and deduct not more than fifty percent (50%) of theactual cost of the bus pass from an employee's total daily wages, provided,however, that employee participation in an employer public transportation buspass program shall be strictly voluntary and shall require the express writtenauthorization of the employee, in the employee's primary language.
(b) Any employer, as defined in § 28-6.11-1(1), mayoffer transportation services to an employee and charge a fee, payable to theemployer only, for such services provided the amount charged is not more thanthe actual cost to transport such employee and the amount does not exceed threedollars ($3.00) per day. Employee participation in an employer transportationprogram shall be strictly voluntary and shall require the express writtenauthorization of the employee, in the employee's primary language.