§ 28-7-18 Runoff elections Term ofcertification as bargaining representative. If at an election conducted pursuant to §§ 28-7-14 28-7-19,three (3) or more nominees for exclusive collective bargaining representativesappear on the ballot and no one of them receives a majority of the votes castat the election, the two (2) nominees who received the highest number of votesshall appear on the ballot of a second election to be conducted under theseprovisions and the one receiving a majority of the votes cast at the secondelection shall be the exclusive representative of all the employees in the unitfor the purpose of collective bargaining in respect to rates of pay, wages,hours of employment, or other conditions of employment. Notwithstanding anyother provision contained in this chapter, any certification as to thebargaining representatives made pursuant to an election conducted under§§ 28-7-14 28-7-19 shall be effective for one year from thedate of the election.