§ 28-7-37 Service of process of board Witness fees. Complaints, orders, and other process and papers of the board, its member,agent, or agency, may be served either personally or by registered or certifiedmail or by telegraph or by leaving a copy thereof at the principal office orplace of business of the person required to be served. The verified return bythe individual serving the process setting forth the manner of the serviceshall be proof of the service, and the return post office receipt or telegraphreceipt when registered or certified and mailed or telegraphed shall be proofof service of the process. Witnesses summoned before the board, its member,agent, or agency shall be paid the same fees and mileage that are paidwitnesses in the courts of this state, and witnesses whose depositions aretaken and the person taking the depositions shall severally be entitled to thesame fees as are paid for like services in the courts of this state.