§ 28-7-45 Employees exempt from chapter. (a) The provisions of this chapter shall not apply: (1) to the employees of anyemployer who concedes to and agrees with the board that the employees aresubject to and protected by the provisions of the National Labor ManagementRelations Act, 29 U.S.C. § 141 et seq., or the federal Railway Labor Act,45 U.S.C. § 151 et seq.; (2) except as provided in Chapter 11 of title 36as to employees of the state; (3) except as provided in chapter 9.4 of thistitle as to employees of any political or civil subdivision or other agencythereof; (4) except "firefighters" as defined in chapter 9.1 of this title and"police officers" as defined in chapter 9.2 of this title; or(5) except "schoolteachers" as defined in chapter 9.3 of this title; provided, that in the caseof firefighters, police officers, and health care provider employees, includingthose of hospitals, nursing homes, ambulatory care centers, and orphanages, theprovisions of this chapter shall apply, but nothing contained in this chaptershall be deemed in any manner to grant to any firefighters, police officers orhealth care provider employees, including those of hospitals, nursing homes,ambulatory care centers, and orphanages, the right to engage in any strike. Anystrike by any firefighters, police officers or health care provider employees,including those of hospitals, nursing homes, ambulatory care centers, andorphanages, shall be illegal.
(b) When an impasse is reached by an employer and a unionrepresenting health care provider employees, including those of hospitals,nursing homes, ambulatory care centers, and orphanages, the mediation servicesof the department of labor and training shall be utilized for mediation andfact finding. If the issues remain unresolved, then the parties shall proceedto arbitration in accordance with the rules of the American ArbitrationAssociation.