§ 28-9.1-2 Statement of policy. (a) The protection of the public health, safety, and welfare demands that thepermanent uniformed members, rescue service personnel of any city or town,emergency medical services personnel of any city or town, and all employees ofany paid fire department in any city or town not be accorded the right tostrike or engage in any work stoppage or slowdown. This necessary prohibitiondoes not, however, require the denial to these municipal employees of otherwell recognized rights of labor such as the right to organize, to berepresented by a labor organization of their choice, and the right to bargaincollectively concerning wages, rates of pay, and other terms and conditions ofemployment.
(b) It is declared to be the public policy of this state toaccord to the permanent uniformed members, rescue service personnel of any cityor town, emergency medical services personnel of any city or town, and allemployees of any paid fire department in any city or town all of the rights oflabor other than the right to strike or engage in any work stoppage orslowdown. To provide for the exercise of these rights, a method of arbitrationof disputes is established.
(c) The establishment of this method of arbitration shallnot, in any way be deemed to be a recognition by the state of compulsoryarbitration as a superior method of settling labor disputes between employeeswho possess the right to strike and their employers, but rather is solely arecognition of the necessity to provide some alternative mode of settlingdisputes where employees must, as a matter of public policy, be denied theusual right to strike.