§ 28-9.1-3 Definitions. As used in this chapter the following terms, unless the context requires adifferent interpretation, have the following meanings:
(1) "Corporate authorities" means the proper officials withinany city or town whose duty or duties it is to establish the wages, salaries,rates of pay, hours, working conditions, and other terms and conditions ofemployment of fire fighters, whether they are the mayor, city manager, townmanager, town administrator, city council, town council, director of personnel,personnel board or commission, or by whatever other name or combination ofnames they may be designated.
(2) "Fire fighter" means the permanent uniformed members,rescue service personnel of any city or town, emergency medical servicespersonnel of any city or town, any fire dispatchers of any city or town, andall employees with the exception of fire chiefs of any paid fire department inany city or town within the state. No assistant chief, deputy chief, battalionchief, captain or lieutenant shall be excluded from the collective bargainingsolely by virtue of his or her title or position.
(3) "Unresolved issues" means any and all contractualprovisions which have not been agreed upon by the bargaining agent and thecorporate authorities within the thirty (30) day period referred to in §28-9.1-7. Any contractual provision not presented by either the bargainingagent or the corporate authority within the thirty (30) day period shall not besubmitted to arbitration as an unresolved issue; provided, that if either partyor both parties are unable to present their respective proposals to the otherparty during the thirty (30) day period, they shall have the opportunity tosubmit their proposals by registered mail by midnight of the 30th day from andincluding the date of their first meeting.