§ 28-9.2-10 Factors to be considered byarbitration board. The arbitrators shall conduct the hearings and render their decision on thebasis of a prompt, peaceful, and just settlement of wage or hour disputesbetween the police officers and the city or town by which they are employed.The factors, among others, to be given weight by the arbitrators in arriving ata decision shall include:
(1) Comparison of wage rates or hourly conditions ofemployment of the police department in question with prevailing wage rates orhourly conditions of employment of skilled employees of the building trades andindustry in the local operating area involved.
(2) Comparison of wage rates or hourly conditions ofemployment of the police department in question with wage rates or hourlyconditions of employment of police departments in cities or towns of comparablesize.
(3) Interest and welfare of the public.
(4) Comparison of peculiarities of employment in regard toother trades or professions, specifically:
(i) Hazards of employment.
(ii) Physical qualifications.
(iii) Educational qualifications.
(iv) Mental qualifications.
(v) Job training and skills.
(5) Comparison of community's ability to pay.