§ 28-9.2-8 Arbitration board Composition. Within five (5) days from the expiration of the thirty (30) day period referredto in § 28-9.2-7, the bargaining agent and the corporate authorities shalleach select and name one arbitrator and shall immediately thereafter notifyeach other in writing of the name and address of the person so selected. Thetwo (2) arbitrators so selected and named shall, within ten (10) days from andafter the expiration of the five (5) day period mentioned in this section,agree upon and select and name a third arbitrator. If, on the expiration of theperiod allowed, the arbitrators are unable to agree upon the selection of athird arbitrator, the third arbitrator shall be selected in accordance with therules and procedures of the American Arbitration Association. The thirdarbitrator, whether selected as a result of agreement between the two (2)arbitrators previously selected or selected by the American ArbitrationAssociation, shall act as chairperson of the arbitration board.