§ 28-9.3-12 Appeal from decision. The decision of the arbitrators shall be made public and shall be binding onthe certified public school teachers and their representative and the schoolcommittee on all matters not involving the expenditure of money; provided, thatnothing contained in this section shall prevent the representative of thecertified public school teachers and the school committee from mutuallyagreeing to submit all unresolved issues to binding arbitration pursuant to theprocedures set forth in §§ 28-9.3-10 28-9.3-12. In that casethe decision of the arbitrators shall be final and binding on all matters sosubmitted, including those involving the expenditure of money, and cannot beappealed except on the ground that the decision was procured by fraud or thatit violates the law, in which case appeals shall be to the superior court. Theschool committee shall within three (3) days after it receives the decisionsend a true copy of the decision by certified or registered mail postageprepaid to the department or agency which appropriates money for the operationof the schools in the city, town, or regional school district involved, ifdecision involves the expenditure of money.