§ 28-9.4-13 Appeal from decision. (a) The decision of the arbitrators shall be made public and shall be bindingupon the municipal employees in the appropriate bargaining unit and theirrepresentative and the municipal employer on all matters not involving theexpenditure of money.
(b) The decision of the arbitrators shall be final and cannotbe appealed except on the ground that the decision was procured by fraud orthat it violates the law, in which case appeals shall be to the superior court.
(c) The municipal employer shall within three (3) days afterit receives the decision send a true copy of the decision by certified orregistered mail postage prepaid to the department or agency of the municipalemployer responsible for the preparation of the budget and to the agency of themunicipal employer which appropriates money for the operation of the particularmunicipal function or service in the city, town, or regional school districtinvolved, if the decision involves the expenditure of money.