§ 28-9.4-3 Right to organize and bargaincollectively. (a) The municipal employees of any municipal employer in any city, town, orregional school district shall have the right to negotiate and to bargaincollectively with their respective municipal employers and to be represented byan employee organization in the negotiation or collective bargaining concerninghours, salary, working conditions, and all other terms and conditions ofemployment.
(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a), forthose municipal employees who are employed by school districts, collectivebargaining agreements shall not provide for benefits for health care ("benefitplans") for school district employees unless such benefit plans are authorizedin accordance with chapter 27-73. School district employees whose collectivebargaining agreements expire on or after July 1, 2010 shall, upon expiration ofsuch collective bargaining agreements, receive benefit plans authorized inaccordance with chapter 27-73.