§ 28-9.4-6 Determination of negotiatingagent Elections. (a) The state labor relations board, upon the written petition for an electionsigned by not less than twenty per cent (20%) of the municipal employees in anappropriate bargaining unit as determined by the state labor relations board ofa city, town, or regional school district indicating their desire to berepresented by a particular employee organization or to change or withdrawrecognition, shall call and hold an election at which all municipal employeesin the appropriate bargaining unit shall be entitled to vote.
(b) The employee organization selected by a majority of themunicipal employees in the appropriate bargaining unit voting in the electionshall be certified by the state labor relations board as the exclusivenegotiating or bargaining representative of the municipal employees in theappropriate bargaining unit of the city, town, or regional school district inany matter within the provision of this chapter.
(c) Upon written petition to intervene in the election signedby not less than fifteen per cent (15%) of the municipal employees in theappropriate bargaining unit indicating their desire to be represented by adifferent or competing employee organization, the name of the different orcompeting employee organization shall be placed on the same ballot.
(d) If the majority of those voting desire no representation,no employee organization shall be recognized by the municipal employer asauthorized to negotiate or bargain in behalf of its municipal employees in theappropriate bargaining unit, and in all elections there shall be provided onthe ballot an appropriate designation of such a choice.