§ 28-9.5-9 Hearings. (a) The arbitration board shall, acting through its chairperson, call a hearingto be held within ten (10) days after the date of the appointment of thechairperson, and shall, acting through its chairperson, give at least seven (7)days notice, in writing, to each of the other two (2) arbitrators, thebargaining agent, and the state authorities of the time and place of thehearing.
(2) The hearing shall be informal and the rules of evidenceprevailing in judicial proceedings shall not be binding. Any and alldocumentary evidence and other data deemed relevant by the arbitrators may bereceived in evidence.
(3) The arbitrators shall have the power to administer oathsand to require by subpoena the attendance and testimony of witnesses, and theproduction of books, records, and other evidence relative or pertinent to theissues presented to them for determination.
(b) The hearing conducted by the arbitrators shall beconcluded within twenty (20) days of the time of commencement, and within ten(10) days after the conclusion of the hearings, the arbitrators shall makewritten findings and a written opinion upon the issues presented, a copy ofwhich shall be mailed or otherwise delivered to the bargaining agent or itsattorney or otherwise delegated representative and to the state authorities. Amajority decision of the arbitrators shall be binding upon both the bargainingagent and the state authorities.