§ 28-9.6-15 Attorneys' fees, costs, andinterest. In the event either the bargaining agent or the state authorities files apetition for writ of certiorari to the supreme court of the state of RhodeIsland for a review or modification of a majority decision of the arbitrators,which by the provisions of § 28-9.6-9 is binding upon both the bargainingagent and the state authorities, the party against whom the decision of thesupreme court is adverse, if the supreme court finds the appeal or petition tobe frivolous, shall pay reasonable attorneys' fees and costs to the successfulparty as determined by the supreme court and the supreme court shall in itsfinal decision or judgment award the costs and reasonable attorneys' fees. Ifthe final decision affirms the award of money, the award, if retroactive, shallbear interest at the rate of eight percent (8%) per annum from the effectiveretroactive date.