§ 28-9-1 Enforceability of agreement toarbitrate any controversy. A provision in a written contract between an employer and an association ofemployees, a labor union, trade union, or craft union, or between anassociation of employers and an association of employees, labor unions, tradeunions, or craft unions, to settle by arbitration any controversy shall bevalid, irrevocable, and enforceable, except upon any grounds that exist in lawor in equity for the revocation of the contract; provided, that the provisionsof this chapter apply but are not limited to controversies respecting terms andconditions of employment. Unless the parties agree otherwise in writing thatthe arbitrator shall have no authority to modify the penalty imposed by theemployer in the arbitration of matters relating to the disciplining ofemployees, including, but not limited to, termination, suspension, orreprimand, the arbitrator shall have the authority to modify the penaltyimposed by the employer and/or otherwise fashion an appropriate remedy.