§ 28-9-12 Arbitrators' fees. (a) In any proceeding under this chapter, unless the parties agree to thearbitrator's or arbitrators' fees, those fees shall be fixed by the director oflabor and training who shall require equal payment of the arbitrators' fees byboth parties.
(b) If a party to the arbitration is a department or divisionof state government, the director of labor and training shall inform the officeof budget of the amount of the arbitrator's fee attributable to the departmentor division. The office of budget shall charge to the account of the departmentor division the amount of the arbitrator's fees attributable to it. Inaddition, the office of budget shall also charge to the account of thedepartment or division any and all other costs, including, but not limited to,witness fees and attorney's fees, incurred by the department or division inconnection with the arbitration proceeding.