§ 28-9-3 Enforceability of agreement toarbitrate new contract. A provision in a written contract between an employer and an association ofemployees, a labor union, trade union, or craft union, or between anassociation of employers and an association of employees, labor unions, tradeunions, or craft unions, to submit to arbitration any and all controversiesrelative to the execution of a new contract upon the termination of an existingcontract, as provided for in writing in the existing contract, shall be valid,irrevocable, and enforceable, except upon any grounds that exist in law or inequity for the revocation of the contract; and it is not a defense to theenforceability of the provision to submit to arbitration that the issue orissues which the arbitrator or arbitrators must decide is not one which couldhave formed the basis of an action at law or suit in equity.