§ 29-6-5 Cooperative library services. (a) Any city or town may enter into an agreement with another city or town, ormore than one other, to establish or maintain free public library service, orone or more aspects thereof to citizens therein, and those agreements forcooperative library service shall be valid when approved and accepted by theboards of trustees or other governing bodies of the libraries concerned, and bythe respective city or town councils of the cities and towns parties to theagreement, and signed by the appropriate library officers and city or townofficials thereunto authorized.
(b) Agreements for cooperative library service may be enteredinto by and between two (2) or more free public libraries, whether or not theyare in the same city or town; provided, however, in the case of a free publiclibrary established or existing under the provisions of § 29-4-1, theagreement shall not be valid until it has been approved and accepted by thecouncil of the city or town where the library is located.
(c) These agreements shall be reported to the department ofstate library services, and such appropriate and equitable adjustments inannual grants-in-aid under this chapter shall be made as the circumstances mayrequire.