§ 29-7-2 Definitions. As used in this chapter:
(1) "Depository library" means a library designated tocollect, maintain, and make available state publications to the general public.The clearinghouse director shall consider the geography of the state whendesignating depository libraries;
(2) "Printed" means any form of printing and duplicating,regardless of format, with the exception of correspondence, and interoffice andintraoffice memoranda;
(3) "State agency" means any state office, whetherlegislative, executive, or judicial, including, but not limited to, anyconstitutional officer, department, division, bureau, board, commission, and/orany other agency which expends state appropriated funds; and
(4) "State publication" means any publication regardless ofphysical form or characteristics produced, made available electronically,printed, purchased, or authorized for distribution by a state agency, exceptthose determined by the issuing agency to be required for official use only foradministrative or operational purposes.