§ 3-11-2 Habitually intemperate persons Notice by family or employer Liability of notified persons. The husband, wife, parent, child, guardian, or employer of any person who hasthe habit of drinking intoxicating beverages to excess may give notice, inwriting, signed by him or her, to any person requesting him or her not to sellor deliver intoxicating beverage to the person having that habit. If theperson, so notified, at any time within twelve (12) months sells or deliversany intoxicating beverage to the person having that habit, or permits thatperson to loiter on his or her premises, the person giving the notice may in acivil action recover from the person notified any sum as may be assessedas damages; provided, the employer giving the notice shall be injured in his orher person, business or property. A married person may bring the action in hisor her own name, and all damages recovered by him or her shall enure to his orher separate use. In case of the death of either party, the action and right ofaction shall survive to or against the executor or administrator.