§ 3-12-1 Duty of sheriffs, constables, andpolice officers Action on taxpayer's demand. The sheriffs of the several counties and their deputies, and the city and townsergeants, constables, officers, or members of the town or city police, andmembers of the division of state police, are empowered and it is made theirduty to see that the provisions of this title and the rules and regulationsmade or authorized by the department of business regulation and the division oftaxation are enforced within their counties, towns, and cities. It is theirspecial duty to use their utmost efforts to repress and prevent crime by thesuppression of unlicensed liquor shops, gambling places, and houses of illfame, and they shall also do so on the request of any taxpayer of any town orcity and may command aid in the execution of the authority conferred. Anyofficer within the above enumeration who willfully neglects or refuses toperform the duties imposed upon him or her by this section shall be fined notexceeding five hundred dollars ($500) and be rendered ineligible again to beappointed to this position; provided, that the officer may after investigation,before taking any further action at the request of any taxpayer, demand thatthe taxpayer requesting him or her to act give a bond to secure to that officerreasonable compensation for his or her services and to protect him or her fromall costs and damages that may arise from that action.