§ 3-12-15 Fees in forfeiture proceedings. There shall be allowed and paid to the officer who makes the seizure, for everyseizure made under the foregoing provisions, the sum of five dollars ($5.00)with two dollars ($2.00) additional for every day after the first that theofficer shall be necessarily employed in causing the beverages seized to becondemned, and ten cents (10¢) for every mile which he or she shalltravel, together with any reasonable sum as the court may deem just fornecessary expense incurred in providing storage for liquors seized, pendingproceedings for condemnation; all which costs shall be taxed in the bill ofcosts, and the amount allowed by the court in which final judgment shall berendered, to those officers, shall be paid on the order of the state controllerout of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Any fees paid toany state official shall be returned by him or her to the general treasurer toand for the use of the state.