§ 3-12-16 Allegations in criminalproceedings. In any action, complaint and warrant, information, indictment, or otherproceeding, against any person for a violation of any of the provisions of thistitle, it is not necessary to set forth the kind or quantity of beverage, orthe time of the sale or manufacturer of the beverage; but proof of theviolation of any of the provisions of this title, the substance of which isbriefly set forth, within the times mentioned, by the person complained of,shall be good and sufficient. In order to convict any person of a second, thirdor any subsequent offense under any of the provisions of this title, it isrequisite in any action, complaint and warrant, indictment, or other proceedingagainst any person for a violation of the provisions of this title to set fortha record of a former conviction or former convictions, with the date or datesof that former conviction or convictions.